Tag Archives: Agrometius

René Koerhuis


IMG_6528A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to see a new and special soil mapping system. The machine, called Veris MSP3, measures the soil organic matter, electric conductivity (EC30 and EC90) and the pH values while driving. The Veris MSP3 is developed by the American company Veris Technologies and connected to the Trimble FmX system that records the height of the field. This way, five soil characteristics are measured continuously in just one go. It makes the concept unique and very interesting if you ask me. Until now, Dutch arable farmers and contractors focussed on collecting site specific data rather than using the data for site specific measures like fertilisation and applying lime and compost.

René Koerhuis


June 26th and 27th, the 3rd edition of the Contractor Field Days took place. Originally initiated by Schuitemaker, partners like Evers Agro, Fella, Holaras and Vredestein presented their new contractor products.